Turn Up the Volume On Happiness.
Monday Musing: Did you know that the average person will spend one-third of their life at work? That's a significant slice of our life, so is your work positively contributing to your happiness quotient?
If you want to be happy, be.
- Leo Tolstoy.
Happy International Week of Happiness at Work! This heartwarming initiative invites every organisation to shine a spotlight on workplace happiness. Because when weβre happy at work, it's not just a personal win; it's a game-changer for organisations too.
While happiness at work can sometimes feel out of our control, one small thing we can control (that can provide quite the mood boost!) is turning on (and up!) the music. 
Studies show that when we integrate our favourite melodies into our day, the result is a happiness boost, a reduction in anxiety, and a surge in productivity. And when we enjoy music together, it's not just our moods that gets a lift; it's our connections too, making the workplace even happier.
If you're among the 61% who already embrace the joy of music at work for an extra dose of happiness and productivity, you're ahead of the curve. Studies reveal that 90% of individuals experience enhanced performance when their favourite tunes are playing in the background.
Even 77% of SME business owners recognise music's positive impact on employee morale, and more employers are harnessing the power of music to foster more engaging and enjoyable workspaces for
their teams.
I love a good hype song to kickstart my day on the right note. That's why I've curated a Love Mondays Pump Me Up Playlist, filled with tunes to infuse your week with energy, positivity, and happiness.
But the best playlists are the one we create together! My favourite tracks are in the mix, and now I'm curious β what are your go-to mood-lifting tracks, Love Mondays crew? Feel free to add them to our Love Mondays playlist!
Take charge of your Monday.
what tunes put a smile on your face?
integrating music into your daily routine.
Decide to:
join the Love Mondays playlist and share the joy with colleagues.
Music is just one way to boost happiness at work, but there are many other ways to create joyful work environments - so, what's your plan for a happier workweek ahead?
PS. Have you had a chance to catch my brief video where I share my top three takeaways from my tour with James Clear? If not, you
can check it out here. 
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