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Trick or treat

Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.

Trick or treat...

It's Halloween 🎃 and whether you celebrate the occasion or not, it also means the end of the year is fast approaching...😱 

Our December deadlines can be just the trick to treat our 2022 goals with the attention they deserve.

We all know how fast time flies in the lead-up to the New Year -- so, what would you like to get done? As we launch into November this week, let’s prioritise a goal and take those first steps. 

Is there anything you want to accomplish before the end of the year? Write it down. 

Consider: choosing one achievable goal to take action on before the end of the year.

Practice: changing your mindset to wind-up, instead of winding down in the lead-up to Christmas.

Decide to: use the end of the year as a deadline to achieve some goals on your list.

Goals aren't just for the New Year

I know it's typically not the time for talking about goal setting, but why wait? Now is the best time to set new goals, or revisit the ones you made at the beginning of the year.

Research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New Year goals and that's understandable -- life gets busy, or maybe your goals have changed a little -- but there's still time to kick some goals before the end of the year.

Whether your goals are professional or personal; team or individual; new or old; have you tried writing them down?

A study conducted by Psychology professor Gail Matthews, at California’s Dominican University, found that we're 42% more likely to achieve our goals if we write them down, and the results are even better when you share them with a friend who will help you stay accountable.

So don't just say them or dream them, grab a pen and paper (yep go old school) and write them down. Not only does writing your goals down allow you to tap into both sides of your brain (imagination and logic), but it also means you can pin them where you will see them on the regular, keeping them front of mind.

Image source: Royston Guest

Imagine you are in a race and you are approaching the finish line, what do you do? Get distracted and slow down or do you dig deep and power through to finish strong?

I see life as a series of sprints, and there's still time for a short sprint (or two) between now and the end of the year to finish things off and get inspired and motivated to launch into a fresh new year.

So, how will you and your team finish strong this year?

Love your Mondays.