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Transformative organising

Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.

Armed and organised.

Every movement needs a call to arms, and a way to organise. Social media is a force multiplier in this regard, and (some may argue) offers the most nutritional value for our vortex of feeds and hungry 24-hour news cycle! But there are other ways to arm your potential supporters and get the movement organised. Let’s try a few!

Being organised means being amplified. What is your call to arms?

Write it down.

Consider: who cares?

Practice: framing your call to arms in a way that makes more people care

Decide to: place your call to arms where people who might care, might see it

Transformative Organising

“Transformative Organising enables the transformation of both the individual and society necessary for large scale systemic change.”

One of the fascinating elements of organising is the need to address power, in order to gain empowerment. What is your personal struggle with power? Do you shy from the limelight? Or tend to dominate the stage? Neither is an issue, but we do need to figure out how we use our superpowers to empower others.

A recent report by the European Organising Community Network documents the mechanics of organising

. We need to intentionally create the conditions that make it possible for a grassroots movement to generate momentum.

  • How is knowledge used to empower?

  • How does consensus hold tension with conflict?

  • How do we distribute power amongst the actors?

Organisers have a double transformative effect on the world we live in. They help people join together to collectively influence decisions and shape culture, while also transforming individuals into leaders who take a bigger responsibility for social change. Organising is essentially about growing others, to grow others.

How do we place our own growth sustainably at the centre of our efforts? Getting clear on our own relationship with power, in order to understand the power structure of our movement, is a good first step.

Power to you this week beautiful people!

Love your Mondays