Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.
Singing your way to happiness and health
Happy Monday! We love our Mondays, but do you want to know how to make them even better? Singing! Yep that's right, singing.
We all know that music has the power to lift our mood, but did you know that singing along to your favourite tune also has the power to relieve stress, improve your brain functionality and make you happier?
Consider: how often do you sing each week?
Practice: singing out loud - in the car, the shower or around the house.
Decide to: add some singing to your daily routine! |
Singing is for everyone
Singing is good for your body and mind and it's something we can all do - it's your own experience and your own instrument, free for you to use whenever and wherever you choose.
When we sing we are stimulating both the left-side of the brain (word formation and sentence structure) and the right-side of the brain (rhythm and melody), connecting and strengthening neural pathways and firing up our brains for better thinking and increased creativity.
And one of the great things about singing, is that even if you don't think you can carry a tune, the health benefits are the same.
Professor Sarah Wilson, an expert in Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropscyhology, says that singing offers a range of neuro-protective benefits, acting as "a form of natural therapy". And according to Wilson, you don't have to sing out loud to enjoy the benefits, just thinking about singing can also trigger the release of those feel-good hormones.
Singing has many physical, psychologial and social benefits, and studies show that this is particularly true when singing with others. The best part? It's free and accessible to all. Singing is for everyone!
So grab that hairbrush and unleash your voice, or better yet try singing with others - you might want to join a choir or just singalong with your family or friends.
Wherever and however you like to sing - in the shower, the car, the rain, alone, or with others - now that you know the benefits of singing, how will you add a bit of song to your day?
Karaoke anyone?
Love your Mondays.