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From Idea to Prototype

From Idea to Prototype.


Monday Musing: What if the path to innovation started with something as simple as a sketch?

“Prototyping is the conversation you have with your ideas”

- Tom Wujec, Innovation Expert.

What's that idea you've been holding back? That spark you're eager to explore and test? From revamping meetings to leveraging AI, and innovating new products and business models, competitiveness and relevance thrives on embracing new paths.

But testing the waters is crucial – and that's where prototypes play a vital role – no need to go all techy with gizmos and gadgets, simplicity is the name of the game.

Chris Nyffeler, Executive Design Director at IDEO widens the perspective: “When we say prototype, that's anything that gets the idea in your head into an artifact people can experience and offer feedback on.” 

When we aim for swift idea cycles and rapid experiments, basic prototypes are our stepping stones. Think quick sketches, a handful of Lego, or craft supplies. It's about creating a touchable artifact that invites insights and guides our next steps.

This week, try to bring your simmering idea to life. Take that concept swirling in your mind and translate it into a simple sketch. Whether it's streamlining a process, revamping customer engagement, or devising a team collaboration approach, the aim is to grasp your idea's essence for easy sharing and understanding.

Take charge of your Monday.



which area of your work could benefit from experimentation.


translating your thoughts into visual forms.

Decide to:

schedule regular intervals where you and your team can brainstorm, sketch, and prototype without distractions.

How did the act of sketching transform your idea? Did you discover new insights or unexpected pathways? 

PS. Want to dive further into the power of experimenting for your business? Uncover deeper insights in today’s edition of Love Monday’s More

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