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Volunteers: Making a world of difference

Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.

Volunteers: Making a world of difference

Did you know that over 1 billion people volunteer worldwide? This week, as Australia celebrates National Volunteer Week, let's come together to celebrate the remarkable contributions of volunteers (like many of you!) and the profound happiness that blooms through the simple act of giving.

What is one small action you can take today to start making a positive impact in your community or the world? Write it down.

Consider: what act of community giving can you partake in this week?

Practice: being aware of how you feel afterwards.

Decide to: build more giving into your monthly goals.

Creating a better world and a better you


When we lend a hand to others, we're not only tackling the world's challenges but also boosting our own spirits along the way. Research affirms what our hearts already know: acts of selflessness and service have a transformative effect on our happiness and well-being. 

And amidst the prevalent well-being challenges marked by rising mental health issues, burnout, and declining happiness levels, embracing acts of kindness and making a difference for the planet and others emerges as a potent remedy. It becomes a beacon of hope, radiating light and igniting a cycle of positivity and well-being.

Every small action counts. Every act of kindness, every moment of service, every instance of volunteerism contributes to a better world. So let's keep making a positive difference, one action at a time.

Let's give a round of applause to all the extraordinary volunteers out there! Your unwavering commitment and tireless efforts are making the world a better place.

Love your Mondays.