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Reimagining leadership

Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.

Reimagining leadership

As the world continues its dynamic evolution, we have the chance to reshape the very essence of leadership. Each and every one of us has the ability to lead change and embody the qualities of a true leader. Will you rise to the call and join the movement of those who envision a new era of leadership?

In what areas of your life do you feel called to step up as a leader? Write it down

Consider: what's stopping you from taking that next step?

Practice: establishing a support network around yourself that can help you to advance your leadership - who do you need in your corner? 

Decide to: embrace your unique leadership potential by taking that first (next) step today.

Answering the call

The recent DDI Global Leadership Forecast 2023 reveals concerning statistics: only 40% of leaders believe their organisations have high-quality leaders, a significant 17% drop from the previous year and the biggest decline in a decade. These numbers underscore the urgent need for a new breed of leaders who prioritise collaboration, empowerment and agility.

The world is yearning for new leaders—those who can make a difference and bring about positive change, and we all have the ability to answer that call. Leadership isn't limited to titles or positions; it's about aligning our actions with what we stand for, inspiring others through our authenticity, and leading by example. When we embrace our true selves and lead from within, we ignite the spark of leadership that can transform our lives and impact those around us. So let's answer the call to lead, for it is through our individual leadership that we collectively shape a better future.

Image: Stacey Ashley

The world is waiting for our leadership. Let's make it a brighter and better place, one step at a time.

Love your Mondays.