Bouncing Back with a Smile
Monday Musing: What if our happiness could serve as a counterbalance to the weight of the world's troubles, making the journey lighter for all?
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
- Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts.
I know what you’re thinking, it’s about time she quoted Dumbledore! And it feels like a fitting week to share this quote particularly as the news feed of the last few weeks has been pretty bleak. During these times when life surprises us with unexpected twists and turns, it can seem as if feeling happy doesn’t quite fit the script.
Importantly, research tells us this positive emotion doesn’t dismiss or diminish the gravity of challenging circumstances; instead, it becomes a powerful tool for resilience and emotional equilibrium. Think of it as a sanctuary, a place where we can seek shelter from the storms of stress. A haven for our minds and hearts to rejuvenate and a constant reminder that even amidst life's tough chapters, pockets of beauty, humour, and joy are just waiting to be discovered.
Professor of Psychology at Yale University and host of The Happiness Lab, Dr. Laurie Santos, explains that although we might sometimes feel guilty about experiencing joy when others are struggling, happiness plays a crucial role during challenging periods.
It strengthens our mental resilience, enabling us to confront challenges, make sound decisions, and uphold a sunnier perspective. Most significantly, our joy has the power to inspire those around us, creating an environment of hope and positivity.
So, no matter what hurdles life places before you, remember this: happiness isn’t just allowed; it’s an absolute necessity.
Take charge of your Monday.
are you giving yourself permission to experience joy and happiness?
actively seeking and savouring moments of beauty, humour, and joy in your daily life, even when faced with challenges.
Decide to:
not see happiness as a mere indulgence, but as source of strength and inspiration.
As you dive into this Monday, how can you plant a seed of happiness in your life and perhaps in the lives of others? Even if it's as simple as a quick action that brings a smile.
PS. If you found this article inspiring, you might want to dive into my upcoming Peak Mindset and Mindfulness Challenge, starting next week! It's a transformative journey aimed at nurturing positivity and mindfulness in your daily life. This challenge only requires 15 minutes a day, for just one month starting November 1st. It's like the espresso shot of personal and professional growth—quick and packs a punch! 
I hope to see you there.
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