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Ready or not, just start!

Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.

Ready or not, just start!

Hey team, welcome to Monday - are you ready for the week ahead? I wonder how many of you said with enthusiasm and certainty "Yes Holly, I am!". If you did that's awesome and I am so glad you are. But if you thought "maybe", "kind of" or "nope Holly I wish I was still in bed!" - that's ok too.

You may not feel ready, but you've shown up and that's a great place to start. 

If there were no constraints, what would you start right now? Write it down

Consider: what's holding you back?

Practice: trusting your instincts, judgments, and capabilities.

Decide to: push through your fears and uncertainty and just start!

Stop waiting for the mirage of readiness and just start.

I've never been 'Ready'. I believe that the state of being 'Ready' is a mirage - a mirage of readiness. We believe we need to wait for those perfect conditions (do they exist?) to start that side hustle, have that conversation, register for that course, ask for that promotion, or sign up for that marathon - but whatever it may be, it won't happen unless you just take that first step and start.

Getting ready is the comfortable part. We do the research, we gather the information, and we get comfortable preparing. The scary part is the doing. You can plan all you like, but you can't plan for what you don't know. You can only find that out by doing - and learning along the way.

When something is new or scary, you may never feel 'ready' which means you might never do it. And how will you know what you can achieve if you don't try?

You don't have to start big, you just need to take that first step...or a stride if you're feeling up to it.

It's about being ready to take action and give it a go, even though you're afraid or unsure -- because who knows what great things lie beyond our comfort zone!

Source: The Unconventional Route

This week challenge yourself and ask "How do I start before I'm ready?" 

Choose the first step, believe in yourself, and do it.

Ready or not, just start!

Love your Mondays.